Friday, February 10, 2012

What are the oops concept


"Abstraction" refers to the act of representing essential features without including the background details or explanations. Classes use the concept of abstraction and are defined as a list of abstract attributes.

Real time e.g. /we invented flight based on the mechanism of Birds. So
Flight is derived from the base of birds.

For example code

 abstract class MobilePhone
    public void Calling();
    public void SendSMS();

public class Nokia1400 : MobilePhone


public class Nokia2700 : MobilePhone
    public void FMRadio();
    public void MP3();
    public void Camera();

public class BlackBerry : MobilePhone
    public void FMRadio();
    public void MP3();
    public void Camera();
    public void Recording();
    public void ReadAndSendEmails();



Is the ability of an object to hide its data and methods from the rest of the world. It is one of the fundamental principles of OOPs. 

Real time
e.g. / Ink is the important component in pen but it is hiding by some other material

Say we create a class, named Calculations. This class may contain a few members in the form of properties, events, fields or methods. Once the class is created, we may instantiate the class by creating an object out of it. The object acts as an instance of this class, the members of the class are not exposed to the outer world directly; rather, they are encapsulated by the class.

For example code

Public class Calculations
  private void fnMultiply(int x, int y)
  return x * y;

Calculations obj;
int Result;
Result = obj.fnMultiply(5,10)


One class properties occur from another class properties it’s called about inheritance
Real time e.g. / parent-child relation

For example code

public class Asset
    public string Name;

Next, we define classes called Stock and House, which will inherit from Asset. They
Get everything an Asset has, plus any additional members that they define:

public class House : Asset // inherits from Asset
    public decimal Mortgage;

Here’s how we can use these classes:

Stock msft = new Stock
  Name = "MSFT",
  SharesOwned = 1000

Console.WriteLine(msft.Name); // MSFT
Console.WriteLine(msft.SharesOwned); // 1000
House mansion = new House
  Name = "Mansion",
  Mortgage = 250000
Console.WriteLine(mansion.Name); // Mansion
Console.WriteLine(mansion.Mortgage); // 250000

The subclasses, Stock and House, inherit the Name property from the base class, Asset.


A single function or single operator has different character
In different place.

Real time e.g. /A girl plays a role of daughter at home and a manager at

For example code

References are polymorphic. This means a variable of type can refer to an object
That subclasses x. For instance, consider the following method:

public static void Display (Asset asset)
  System.Console.WriteLine (asset.Name);

This method can display both a Stock and a House, since they are both Assets:

Stock msft = new Stock ... ;
House mansion = new House ... ;
Display (msft);
Display (mansion);

Polymorphism works on the basis that subclasses (Stock and House) have all the
features of their base class (Asset). The converse, however, is not true. If Display
was modified to accept a House, you could not pass in an Asset:

static void Main()
   Display(new Asset());
 } // Compile-time error

public static void Display(House house) // Will not accept Asset

Ref C# nutshell and Google


  1. nice blog thanks abiruban

  2. This blog is very nice and informative!
    Keep Update....
    Thanks for sharing.
    you explain the abstraction point with coding that are nice way so high most probably i understand all condition.

    offshore software web development

  3. In abstract class you should maintain abstract method as abstract keyword like this,

    abstract class MobilePhone
    public void Calling(); // public abstract void Calling();
    public void SendSMS(); // public abstract void SendSMS();

    1. True, since by making the method as abstract, you can overide it in the other class.

  4. Better example for Abstract class

    abstract class MobilePhone
    public abstract int Calling();
    public abstract string SendSMS();

    public class Nokia1400 : MobilePhone
    public override int Calling()
    {// Implementation

    public override string SendSMS()
    {// Implementation


  5. Hi, Nice examples about Oops Concepts.Thanks, its really helped me......


  6. abstract class MobilePhone
    public void Calling();
    public void SendSMS();
    in this class we have to use atleast 1 abstract method. otherwise when we extend this class Child class will not compile.
